Ideas of Color


As I change my camera back from black and white to color. I built a new film simulation and changed the way I view the world around me. I step into the blues, yellows, reds, and everything in between. There's a complex relationship with my camera I feel I'm just starting to graze the surface of. My nerves about taking the "right" picture fade away when I continue to leave my space clutched to the camera. I walk with my eye in the viewfinder. I narrow my view of the scenes around me and it broadens the moments in front of me. Taking small steps to improve the images I feel passionate to share with you, the viewer, are built around the repetitions and practices that bleed seamlessly into my everyday travels. Thanks for taking the time to look and read, the endless support fuels the creativity I long to connect with.


  1. Hi E. The composition is stunning! You make the relationship w your camera poetic! Xo La

    1. Love the “tilt” of the Bankso photo- it’s reminiscent of traveling and the perspective shifts that comes with it!


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